Today was my baby girl's first day of real school. Kindergarten! Last year she went to PreK but this, this, is the real thing! She got up the minute I walked in her room and turned the light on. She was beaming from ear to ear. In the days leading up to this, she asked many mornings "Is today when I go to school?" She was ready!
We put her clothes out the night before, she couldn't wait to get them on! She hardly ate a bite of her breakfast. She was all a flutter and just couldn't contain herself. When we got to her school all she wanted to to was get to class. And, when she was finally in her class, she sat right down and got to business! She almost forgot to tell us good-bye. She didn't cry, didn't even flinch at the thought of being there all day.
I actually held it together through all of the mornings activities. I surprised myself!