It's mine

July 27, 2010

For the longest time I have been stalking Craigslist. On the lookout for a round table, with leafs, and it would have to be solid wood (no laminate for me please!). Last week, I found said table! The seller was asking $75 for it, and it came with 3 chairs. I let it go for a few days and decided to check back to see if it was still listed, and it was!

Yesterday I dragged my husband along with me to look at it. He gave me all the "Pro Craigslister" pointers during the car ride over. When we got out the owner took us back to an old barn. At this point I was thinking for sure that the table was damaged beyond repair. But when she opened that barn door I swear I could hear angels singing! Yes, it was dirty... the seller said it had been in there for years. But she (the table!) is just everything I wanted!

Sorry for the craptastic cell phone photo.

So there she is! I've already started sanding the ugly orangeish-yellow stain off of the top and will eventually stain it a beautiful deep cherry color, and paint the pedestal white. It's a lot of work though! I don't know what in the WORLD I was thinking when I dreamed this up. Ha! Oh well... she's mine!

ETA: I forgot to tell you what I paid for the table and 3 chairs... $50 bucks! Seems like a great deal to me! ;)


Donna said...

Hi there, I came across your blog through the comments on A Soft Place to Land and spotted this post. I have almost the identical table in my kitchen (same top and pedestal) only I think it's maple or some other soft wood. It's pretty old and I've been dying to paint or stain it, but know nothing about refurbishing furniture.

I was excited to see your post and interested to see how your table comes out. I hope you post some updates as you work on it.

Donna :)

Lauren Marie said...

Hi Donna! Thanks so much for your comment! We actually started staining it last night and it's already looking absolutely beautiful! I'm in love and we're not even close to being done. We really don't know anything about refurbing furniture either, we're just shooting from the hip with this. Ha! I will definitely be posting updates as we move along with this process!

Thanks so much for stopping by! =)

Lissa Lou said...

Hi Lauren! Oh, I totally feel the "What in the world was I thinking" vibes... Last year after sanding down 2 twin sized beds and repainting them, I decided I was going to sand down a china cabinet and repaint and stain it (a whole huge china cabinet!)... It is still in my basement half sanded down (yep, I gave up after getting half way finished with it)!

I really want to finish it up by Thanksgiving though because my dinning room is empty and could use more than just a table in there... I should probably get around to doing working on it again soon, but have no idea when I will find the time to start on it again.

I can't wait to see how this turns out!

~Lissa Lou

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