In 2011 I'm going to do a 365 photo project. And I'm going to post them, here. I don't want my kids to look back and wonder why there are no pictures of the things that we did, the places we went, the sights we've seen, or just life. I want them to be able to relive those moments when they're my age. You see, there aren't many pictures of me or my family doing things, going places, seeing things - LIVING!
I will take a photo every day in 2011.
I will live in the moment.
I will NOT worry about perfection, for nothing is perfect.
Life will NOT pass me by this year.
I will be a better me - a better mother, wife, daughter, granddaughter, friend.
We will go more places as a family.
December 11, 2010 - Our first visit to Disney World as a family of four! We had an amazing time and can not wait to go back again!
I hope you all have a very safe, happy and blessed New Year!
I can totally relate about forgetting to take photos. When we first brought Lauren home I was taking TONS of photos, but as we settled into life I've been taking less and less. I want to pick up the photo taking in 2011. I also need to get caught up on my photo books. I'm just getting finished up on my 2009 book in Shutterfly, so I have all of 2010 to do. I want to get that done so I can upload my favorite monthly pics to Shutterfly month by month in 2011. Then at the end of the year, I just need to order my yearly book!
Hope to see more posts from you in 2011!
Happy New Year!
Donna :)
It is really, truly hard to remember (or actually WANT) to take pictures of the everyday stuff. But you'll be so happy in the end...those are the little moments that might seem insignificant now, but that you'll cherish in the future. Good for you for resolving to take more photos in 2011.
My goal for the year is to post at least 100 pictures a month to my blog. So far it's what...January 12??...and I'm already up to 80-something for the month. haha Maybe I should challenge myself to shoot a little LESS!
Your resolutions for the new year are wonderful ones. Those are all things I remind myself of daily: slow down; don't freak out about small stuff; enjoy the moment; don't rush to get to "tomorrow" because I'll miss out on today.
Thanks for the nice comments on my blog lately. :) I enjoy hearing from you!
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