Yes, I realize it's been close to a month since I've blogged... I'm sorry! We've been busy, what can I say? And before you get too involved in this post... I think I only have a few photos to share. And not a single one of Kyla's party, which was a HUGE hit! Everyone loved the decorations, and the cake! I will have to pull the pictures from the other computer sometime and upload them.
We've had a lot of Saturday morning trips to Dunkin' Donuts and we've also been freqenting the local dog park with our beautiful puppy, Keira. She loves playing, and honestly if she doesn't get to go at least once a week she becomes a crazy puppy! The kids enjoy being out there as well... they just get the biggest kick out of watching all of the dogs running together!
We visited
Medieval Times and the kids had an amazing time! They loved every last bit of it, the horses, the Knights, the Tournament... it was just so much fun for them! I have never seen their eyes so big, EVER! I can't wait to see their reactions when we go to Disney in December! ;)

(Mom, Kenny, Me, Kyla, & Kenny)
The hubby and I also got to have a little fun on our own! He took me out to the gun range to learn how to shoot a gun. It was very intimidating at first, but in the end I think I did pretty well, and I did have fun!

Now, don't get me wrong, I do NOT like guns very much at all. A cousin of mine was killed when we were kids because of one, so I've always had a fear of them. And let me give you a little disclaimer: In our house, all of the guns are LOCKED in a box and the box is on the higest shelf in the house. The kids can in no way get up to it, or get the box open!
In between all of the fun we've had
I we did get to work on my table a little. The top has been stained and the bottom was painted, and I noticed while I was puting the second coat on that some of the wood was bleeding through. We didn't prime it first (take it from me if you're wanting to attempt this...ALWAYS PRIME!), so I knew it wasn't going to work this way. I let it sit for a week or so before I was able to get the primer and get started on it again. It was completely primed this weekend and I'm hoping that I will be able to get it moving along now. I am trying to decide, though, what sealer I want to use. I bought a satin Polyeurethane, but now I'm second guessing puting that on the stain. I keep flopping between shiny and not shiny. What's a girl to do?! Haha! This pretty much shows where we're at right now. {Notice my handsome worker bee! ;)}

I'm still on the lookout for some chairs to go with my table. I really want some with cushions, so that I can cover them in dropcloth! I currently have two, but I don't know how they're going to look with it (they're kind of a little fancy looking), so I haven't started painting those yet. I've had my eyes on two chairs at a local thrift store for quite some time now. Their price hasn't changed which is part of the reason I haven't picked them up yet. I might go up there this week to see if they will negotiate with me... doesn't hurt to ask, right?! ;)
Finally, I leave you with this little pretty... (Of course the idea came from Sarah at
Thrifty Decor Chick... She's AH-mazing!)

The plate was $2.99 (I think!) at Marshalls and the cloche was $1.00 at a fundraising yardsale a while back (it came with a small wooden stand and a
beautiful plastic Orchid). I did splurge a little on the pretties, although a few of the pieces I already had on hand. But I think it's GORGEOUS!
I also want to apologize for the lovely cell phone photos. I'm trying to convince my hubby to buy me a point and shoot, but since I have a nice DSLR he doesn't see the point! I just hate lugging that thing out to take quick pictures!